Are you struggling to find time in your day to move your body amongst all your other commitments?

Do you wish you had an easy way to fit in more movement, so that you can approach your day feeling grounded and calm?

Are you unsure what movements best suit your body and looking for some guidance to ensure your movement practice supports your body’s needs, whilst respecting injuries and any pain you may be experiencing?

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to get through your daily ‘to-do’ list?

Hello Lovely, 

I see you and I have been there!

I’m Mikayla and whilst movement has always been a part of my life, it hasn’t always come easy for me. I spent a long time thinking that if I didn’t have an hour for my exercise or yoga practice, then it wasn’t worth doing.

After years of wishing I had more time to dedicate to my movement practice, I found a way to incorporate more movement into my every day, because I know just how much better my body feels and how much more grounded I am for it and I am so passionate about supporting you find this to.

As a business owner and new Mum, I know what it’s like to have limited time, I also know, from personal experience and from guiding hundreds of humans through mindful movement practices, that it doesn’t need to be long and onerous to be effective, just 5 or 10 minutes a day can work wonders for dropping you out of the doing and into the being, whilst keeping you feeling amazing, body and mind. 

My approach is simple, sustainable and effective and when you begin to pay attention to the way you’re moving throughout your day, you will realise there are opportunities to release stress and tension, to strengthen and support your body without needing to spend hours at the gym.

Are you with me?


  • Starting each day feeling inspired to move and connect with yourself and your body.
  • Having the tools to regulate your nervous system so that you can reduce stress and move through your day with a sense of ease and calm.
  • Having a committed movement practice that fits in with your unique lifestyle so that you are motivated to actually stick with it.
  • Taking the guesswork out of your movement practice, by having access to an easy to follow schedule and expertly guided movement videos so that all you need to do it show up and follow along from the comfort of your own home.




21 days of morning movement practices to reduce stress and tension in your mind and body and kick start your day in the best possible way.

 During the 21 days, you’ll:

  • Establish a morning movement practice, that you’ll actually want to stick with, that suits your lifestyle in about 20mins a day. 
  • Learn techniques to self-regulate your nervous system and reduce stress.
  • Connect with your body and breath first thing in your day, knowing that this will set you up to reconnected to yourself as you need throughout your day.
  • Develop more awareness of your body and how to best support your unique strengths and challenges through mindful movement.
  • Build strength and stability in your major joints, supporting you to feel strong and steady as you move into your day.
  • Learn simple yet effective techniques to increase your mobility, whilst rewiring any unsupportive postural habits.
  • Take time each day to slow down, tune in and move your body in a sustainable and functional way.

 We start on Monday 27th February 2023!


MAGIC MORNINGS: Movement to Ground and Calm includes;

Daily practices and movement videos
For you to conveniently access (from your phone or computer) and follow from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you. No need to show up for a specific class time, you move when it works for you! Daily videos drop to your inbox by 6am AWST. 

An easy-to-follow schedule
I’ve taken away the guess work so that all you need to do is show up, press play and move your body. Practices vary in length, approx. 10-30mins, plus a longer class each week, so that you can immerse in movement and recharge when you have a little extra time over the weekend.

A supportive and effective approach to movement
Where you are invited to move in a way that supports your body and your needs whilst learning sustainable ways to increase mobility, strength and flexibility suitable for your unique needs. 

A ‘Get Set for Success’ guide
Jam packed with a bunch of inspiration, tips and tricks to help you get the most out of our 21 days together.

Daily motivation
Daily emails to keep you motivated, inspired and accountable.

Support & Accountability
Hang out with me and your fellow ‘magical movers’ in our private Instagram page. A place to ask questions unique to your body and your circumstances, share wins, challenges and feel supported and motivated during our 21 days together.  

A done for you experience

Living today is full of choices and decisions.

Even sitting in front of the TV these days can be overwhelming as you scroll the options for 30mins before actually watching anything or turning it off all together. 

MAGIC MORNINGS removes all of the guess work. 

Simply show up, press play and I’ll do the rest….

Effective, accessible and convenient movement delivered straight to you!  

I believe in the power of movement, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s what others are saying…

Mikayla has reaffirmed a knowing in me, I knew over the past few years that my yoga practice had changed, and I knew this was ok, but her classes have really helped me confirm this ‘knowing’ whilst finding a sense of being ok and working with movement limitations. During the past 6 weeks, I have noticed my hip pain not as obvious plus a freedom in my joints after class. I found the series to be well thought out, researched and delivered at the perfect pace. It’s less mainstream when it comes to yoga, Mikayla guides with an emphasis on awareness, it’s a practice to hold you as you go down the path of life.


After participating in Mikayla’s 6-week movement series, I feel more relaxed and have a different sense of awareness about how I hold my body, alternative ways of moving and the importance of breathing and how that impacts on my mind. I would definitely encourage participation in Mikayla’s carefully curated classes, she has always provided a supportive, safe and encouraging experience for all, both in person and online.


I’m loving that I’m able to experience the benefits of Mikayla’s yoga classes, in particular, at home, and on a regular basis. The Morning classes are a beautiful way to start the day.My body is loving the movement to loosen the tightness I sometimes experience and the class leaves me feeling calm and present.


Are you ready to transform your mornings and as a result transform your day and your relationship to movement and your body?

I am beyond grateful every day that I get to support my clients move in a way that feels good for them both on and off the mat. If you’re feeling the urge to join me and would like to chat to make sure it’s the right fit please get in touch.


Early Bird Price
$129 AUD
Normally $179

We start on Monday 27th February 2023!

MAGIC MORNINGS is perfect for you if:

  • You’re ready to prioritise yourself, your body and your wellbeing.
  • You’re struggling to find the time to move everyday. 
  • You need to work on reducing stress.
  • You struggle with aches and pains in your body.
  • You want to incorporate more movement into your day.
  • You know you need to move more but don’t know where to start.
  • You’re a little unsure of what movements suit your body without aggravating pain or injuries.

Hey there, I’m Mikayla – Yoga Teacher and Mindful Movement Coach and I believe in the power of movement to help you quiet your busy mind and generate a sense of space and freedom in your body and your breath.

With a background in Martial Arts, I turned to yoga over 15 years ago as a way to undo some of the muscle stress caused by many years of dynamic martial arts teaching and training along with many years sitting in front of a computer.

Whilst initially my motivation to start yoga was physical, I soon realised it was creating space not only in my body but also in my mind, cultivating a patience and awareness on the mat which flowed naturally into life off the mat.

I am passionate about making yoga accessible and sustainable for everybody no matter the body or the lifestyle.

Having completed over 800 hours of training, I believe in being a student first and I continue to practice with teachers that inspire me. 

I believe we get to choose how we spend our time; I know firsthand how easy it is to get caught up with the doing and the achieving and the “shoulds”, leaving little time for the things that we know fill our cup and help us feel amazing!

I am here to guide you back to yourself, using movement and mindfulness techniques to reconnect you to yourself and your body so that you’re inspired to show up as your best self today and every day.


Early Bird Price
$129 AUD
Normally $179

We start on Monday 27th February 2023!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When does it start?
We kick off together on Monday 27th February 2023!

Q: How much time do I need each day?
Each daily session is between approx. 10-30mins. Plus, you will have access to a longer style class each week, so that you can immerse in movement and recharge when you have a little extra time over the weekend.

Q: What if I miss a day?
No stress, I get it, life gets busy and things happen. You will not ‘fall behind’ if you miss a day or two. Trust the process and commit to showing up again the next day. All you need to do is show up and press play on the next day’s video. Remember all practices are between 10-30mins, I know you have 10-30mins each day to commit to reducing stress and feeling good!

Q: How do I access the classes?
You will receive an email each day (by 6am AWST) for 21 days which will include a link to that days video. Simply open the email, follow the link and press play. You can tune in from your phone, ipad or computer. Movement on the go or in the comfort of your home. 

Q: What props do I need and do I need a special practice space? 
It is entirely up to you if you set up a dedicated space or perhaps you just roll out your mat in your living room each morning, the magic is just in showing up. Either way, here is some inspiration to get you started: 

  • A yoga mat 
  • A yoga block or two – thick books or tinned food can work just as well. 
  • A bolster or a few pillows or cushions
  • A blanket or two 

Q: Do I have to do this in the morning? What if I only have time in the afternoon / evening?
Whilst this is called Magic Mornings and the intention is to use mindful movement as a way to start your day in the best possible way, if your schedule better suits an afternoon practice this can also support you in winding down from your day. The magic is in showing up for the 21 days to build the habit and reap the benefits of consistent mindful movement. 

Q: I have an injury, will these classes still work for me?
On the most part, yes. I guide the practices in a way that offer a range of modifications and options to support different bodies, abilities and injuries. If you have a specific injury then please reach out to me directly to discuss your options, I am always happy to provide you with individualised suggestions on how you can modify the practices to suit you and your body. This can either be done via email before we kick off or during the 21 days via our private instagram page. 

Q: How much is it? 
Sign up before 15 February 2023 to access the early bird price of $129 for 21 days of movement, motivation and support from me. 
Normally $179.

Q: I’ve never done yoga, will I be ok to join?
Absolutely, the practices have been designed to support all levels of experience. The classes use combination of yoga, mindful movement and mobility practices and are offered in an accessible way with a focus on each participant feeling empowered to practice and move in a way that supports their body and their ability.

Q: How fit do I need to be? 
All levels of fitness are welcome and will benefit from Magic Mornings. You will need to be able to sit on the floor for some of the practices, however this can look a number of ways i.e. siting cross-legged, kneeling or using a bolster or cushion for support. I will guide and offer you a number of options and modifications during the 21 days so you can pick and choose what feels good for you and supports your body best. 

More Kind Words

Mikayla’s online classes have been so supportive and it almost feels like being in a real class. Her instructions are easy to understand online and are both interesting and fun to do. The morning class leaves me refreshed and ready to start my working day.


Mikayla’s classes have helped me realise how many body parts I do not use on a daily basis. I am now more aware of my breath, my posture, and movements in my body whether they be big or small. I would recommend this work to anyone seeking time for themselves in a supportive and non-judgemental space.